Bring VIP to your group
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. This is why we love to present panels to high school and university students across the state. Our programs benefit students by helping them understand the effects of impaired and distracted driving before they have a criminal charge or face worse consequences.

What to expect
We are happy to customize a program for the needs of your school or civic group; we typically present to driving age students. We can present in an assembly setting, but also are comfortable with spending time in a smaller setting and feel like that makes the most impact. VIP programs have been presented to groups as small as 30 and as large as 2,000.
The program lasts approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes and includes a moderator, speakers, possibly a short video or interactive quiz, and time for the students to come and thank the speakers. The speakers will be individuals that relate to your local community.
Why VIP?
The Victims Impact Panel of Oklahoma, Inc. (VIP) has been presenting VIP programs in Oklahoma high schools and colleges since 1989. Many schools have a VIP program every year for their students, particularly around prom time and graduation. Young people are the future, and the influence of this program has a huge effect on the incidence of impaired and distracted driving. This saves lives.
This program is available all over the state of Oklahoma, so if you want to make an impact on your students, contact VIP today.