We all want our loved ones to arrive safely at their destinations.
You may struggle to understand how to prevent tragic accidents in your community. This can feel like a huge task to undertake alone!
VIP is the original, court-recognized program that has been working to prevent Oklahomans from making irresponsible and dangerous choices since 1989. We partner with offenders, community groups, and other advocates to make our state safer. We speak to save lives.
When you support ViP, you help us...

Host Impactful Panels
VIP doesn’t isolate or shame those charged with a DUI. We want to offer a unique perspective to help clients understand the impact of their choices and how to prevent recidivism.

Educate Young People
If you work with young people who need to understand the dangers of impaired and distracted driving, VIP can help. We offer programs tailored to schools and community organizations all over the state.

Advocate for change
Working to make your community a safer place to live and work? We want to partner with you. We need your help bringing impaired and distracted driving awareness, prevention, and healing to your community.

How we're different

Real Stories
Our panels are in person. Clients hear about the terrible effects of impaired and distracted driving from the people who have lived it.

Many programs focus on shaming and isolating offenders, which isn’t linked to decreasing recidivism. Victims Impact Panel of Oklahoma educates clients and shows them how to make better choices in the future.

VIP is a nonprofit and is not government funded, which means we rely on donors to be able to keep fighting against impaired and distracted driving.