IT Building – Seminar Room Enter Gate 1 off of Franklin Ave Sign in begins at 6:30pm. $75 money order or credit/debit card. Cash not accepted. No appointment necessary. Campus Map Here
Meeting Room 1 Sign-in begins at 6:30pm. $75 money order only Made payable to-Victims Impact Panel of Oklahoma. CASH NOT ACCEPTED. Chip/Tap Credit Cards accepted. No appointment necessary.
Bison Room C Sign in begins at 10:00am. $75 money order made payable to Victims Impact Panel of Oklahoma. Chip/Tap to pay credit or debit card. CASH NOT ACCEPTED. No appointment necessary.
Main Building-Sky Lab 1 Sign-in begins at 6:30pm. $75 money order made payable to Victims Impact Panel of Oklahoma. CASH NOT ACCEPTED. No appointment necessary.
Conference Room Sign-in begins at 6:30pm. $75 money order made payable to Victims Impact Panel of Oklahoma. CASH NOT ACCEPTED. No appointment necessary.
Conference Center/North Hall- Room 150 Sign-in begins at 6:30pm. $75 money order only Made payable to-Victims Impact Panel of Oklahoma. CASH NOT ACCEPTED. Chip/Tap Credit Cards accepted. No appointment necessary.
Main Campus-Conference Room B USE FRONT DOOR TO ENTER MAIN CAMPUS Evening Sessions-Sign-in begins at 6:30pm. Morning Sessions-Sign in begins at 10:00am. $75 money order only Made payable to-Victims Impact Panel of Oklahoma. CASH NOT ACCEPTED. Chip/Tap Credit Cards accepted. No appointment necessary.
Learning Resource Center-Room 100 Sign-in begins at 6:30pm. $75 money order only Made payable to-Victims Impact Panel of Oklahoma. CASH NOT ACCEPTED. Chip/Tap Credit Cards accepted. We operate on a walk-in basis. No appointment is needed.
Family Room Sign-in begins at 6:30pm. $75 money order only Made payable to-Victims Impact Panel of Oklahoma. CASH NOT ACCEPTED. Chip/Tap Credit Cards accepted. No appointment necessary.
Anglin Building-Classroom #210 Sign-in begins at 6:30pm. $75 money order made payable to Victims Impact Panel of Oklahoma. Chip/Tap to pay debit or credit card accepted. CASH NOT ACCEPTED. No appointment necessary.
Meeting Room Sign-in begins at 6:30pm. $75 money order made out to Victims Impact Panel of Oklahoma Chip/Tap to Pay credit or debit card accepted. CASH NOT ACCEPTED. No appointment necessary.
Sign-in starts at 6:30pm. Panel starts at 7:00pm. Click here to reserve your spot —-> A reservation via link above is suggested in order to attend. In the event the class fills up those with tickets will receive priority. PAY ATTENTION TO MAP BELOW. PARK IN PARKING LOT BEHIND BUILDING AND USE RAMP…
West Door of Life Center Sign-in begins at 6:30pm. $75 money order made payable to Victims Impact Panel of Oklahoma. CASH NOT ACCEPTED. No appointment necessary.
IT Building – Seminar Room Enter Gate 1 off of Franklin Ave Sign in begins at 6:30pm. $75 money order or credit/debit card. Cash not accepted. No appointment necessary. Campus Map Here
Conference Room Sign-in begins at 10:00am. $75 money order only Made payable to-Victims Impact Panel of Oklahoma. CASH NOT ACCEPTED. Chip/Tap Credit Cards accepted. No appointment necessary.
Habitación Tulsa El inicio de sesión comienza a las 10:00 a.m. Giro postal de $75 únicamente. NO SE ACEPTA EFECTIVO. No es necesario hacer cita ni registrarse.
Meeting Room 1 Sign-in begins at 10:00am. $75 money order only Made payable to-Victims Impact Panel of Oklahoma. CASH NOT ACCEPTED. Chip/Tap Credit Cards accepted. No appointment necessary.
Student Center- Conference North (3rd Floor) Sign-in begins at 6:30pm. $75 money order only Made payable to-Victims Impact Panel of Oklahoma. CASH NOT ACCEPTED. Chip/Tap Credit Cards accepted. No appointment necessary.
Conference Room Sign-in begins at 6:30pm. $75 money order made payable to Victims Impact Panel of Oklahoma. CASH AND CREDIT/DEBIT CARDS NOT ACCEPTED. No appointment necessary.
West Side/Main Entrance Meeting Room 4 Sign-in begins at 6:30pm. $75 money order only. No appointment necessary. Once arriving you must check in at the kiosk located at the entrance. Each person will be required to scan their I.D. and take an electronic photo of themselves in real-time. This information will be printed onto a…
Sign-in begins at 6:30pm. $75 money order only Made payable to-Victims Impact Panel of Oklahoma. CASH NOT ACCEPTED. Chip/Tap credit or debit card accepted. No appointment necessary.
Sign-in begins at 10:00am. $75 money order only Made payable to-Victims Impact Panel of Oklahoma. CASH NOT ACCEPTED. Chip/Tap credit or debit card accepted. No appointment necessary.
Tulsa Room - directly NW of the Main Hall Sign-in begins at 10:00am. EXCEPTION: JUNE 24 and JULY 1 SIGN IN BEGINS AT 6:30pm $75 money order only Made payable to-Victims Impact Panel of Oklahoma. CASH NOT ACCEPTED. Chip/Tap credit or debit card accepted. No appointment necessary.
Centro Tecnológico Empresarial, Sala 107 El inicio de sesión comienza a las 10:00 a.m. Giro postal de $75 únicamente. NO SE ACEPTA EFECTIVO. No es necesario hacer cita ni registrarse.
Conference Center/North Hall- Room 150 Sign-in begins at 6:30pm. $75 money order only Made payable to-Victims Impact Panel of Oklahoma. CASH NOT ACCEPTED. Chip/Tap Credit Cards accepted. No appointment necessary.
Learning Resource Center-Room 100 Sign-in begins at 6:30pm. $75 money order only Made payable to-Victims Impact Panel of Oklahoma. CASH NOT ACCEPTED. Chip/Tap Credit Cards accepted. We operate on a walk-in basis. No appointment is needed.
Conference Room Sign-in begins at 10:00am. $75 money order only Made payable to-Victims Impact Panel of Oklahoma. CASH NOT ACCEPTED. Chip/Tap Credit Cards accepted. No appointment necessary.
Bison Room C Sign in begins at 10:00am. $75 money order made payable to Victims Impact Panel of Oklahoma. Chip/Tap to pay credit or debit card. CASH NOT ACCEPTED. No appointment necessary.